Natural Home Cures For Allergies - Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure & That Cure is Worth a Mint

There are numerous allergy symptoms that you can effectively handle with home remedies. Be sure to always consult your doctor for serious allergic reactions, persistent symptoms, or when an elevated body temperature accompanies allergy symptoms. But, for the average or mundane allergy symptoms, you can find some welcome relief by using the following home remedy and allergy prevention tips.

Rubber Foam Pillows

Whenever you experience a sore or irritated throat which is caused by postnasal drip, try a healing gargle of salt water and clove oil.

Rubber Foam Pillows

You will need:

* 1 tsp. (5 g) of salt
* 8 fl oz. of lukewarm water
* 2 drops clove oil
* A small glass

Mix the salt and 2 drops of clove oil into the glass of water and gargle as often as you feel the need. This gargle can be made with only the salt, or you can substitute the clove oil with Tea Tree oil. Do not swallow any of the mixture, simply gargle and spit several times a day as needed. The more often you gargle, the better your throat will feel.

It's also crucial to drink plenty of fluids whenever you have an irritated throat or sinuses as water will help thin out any mucus secretions.

Another remedy for dry, irritated or sore throat is to make a weak tea (using an herbal tea such as Green Tea or Chamomile is even better) and put equal parts honey and lemon in it. DO NOT GIVE CHILDREN YOUNGER THAN 18 months HONEY.

You can also clear the inside of your nose and frontal sinuses with weak salt water in order to clean sinuses, thin mucus and reduce the postnasal drip. You can use the pre-measured packets of sinus wash which are sold for Neti Pots, a pre-mixed nasal saline solution such as Ocean Spray (available in pharmacies and most grocery stores), or you can make your own.

To make the salt-water solution you'll need:

* 1/4 tsp. (1.25 g) of salt
* 1/4 tsp. (1.25 g) of baking soda
* 6 fl. oz. (175 mL.) of warm water
* A container with a seal to place the mixture and a nose dropper

Mix the ingredients and place in container.

Use the dropper (clean) to draw up the solution and gently squirt the solution into each nostril. You'll need to angle your heat back somewhat in order for the solution to run through the nasal passages and down the back of your throat. Spit the salt water solution out of your mouth. If you do swallow some of the solution it won't hurt you.

Other suggestions to use instead of a nose dropper:

* An all-rubber ear syringe
* A medical syringe without the needle (pharmacies give these out for kids medicine dispensing)
* A Water Pik, if you set it on low.
* If you like, you can also "snuff" it up your nostrils. Pour some solution into the palm of your hand and snuff using one nostril at a time.

Preventing allergies when possible is preferable to treating them and there are some simple things which can be done to help prevent indoor allergies.

* Air filters for your air conditioner, air purifier and furnace can be replaced with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter which may help reduce the particles in the air that contribute to your allergies.

* Keep your home aired out and dry by keeping the moisture level below 50% on your dehumidifier during humid weather.

* Dust and vacuum at least twice a week. Use a filter on your vacuum that is (HEPA), so that you'll be collecting those pesky little dust-mite particles and any pollen that is found its way into your home. If you use standard paper bag filters for your vacuum the "stirred-up allergens" in the air will escape back into your rooms unless your vacuum has a quality filtering system.

* Wear a face mask when dusting and vacuuming your home.

* Avoid having carpet, upholstered furniture, and heavy drapes in rooms where you spend a lot of time due to the the fact that these types of materials tend to collect a lot of dust.

* Opt for tile, linoleum, parkay or hardwood floors wherever you can in your home.

* Use roll-down shades or washable curtains at your windows.

* Damp mop hard surface floors daily.

* Vacuum walls, ceiling, closets, and the backs of the furniture once a week to get rid of dust.

* Make a solution of baking soda, mineral oil, club soda, or vinegar to clean rather than using harsh commercial cleaners that can produce allergic reactions in those who are sensitive.

* Cockroaches and other insects can provoke allergic responses if you have allergic asthma so get rid of these pests pronto.

* Keep air registers closed if there is a pet in the house, to reduce the animal dander from circulating around the rooms, especially in the bedrooms.

* Repair any water-damaged areas which leak, such as roofs or basements, immediately as these can lead to mold and mildew which can aggravate allergies.

* Regularly clean your air-conditioning and heating ducts and vents.

Avoid the following in your home:

* Tobacco products
* Wood-burning stoves
* Kerosene heaters

Bedrooms are prime areas to keep clean and dust free as we tend to spend a lot of time in these rooms. This is especially true of children. Keep items which are prone to collecting dust in another room. These dust-collecting items can include: stuffed toys, pictures, books, knickknacks, and also artificial flowers and trophies. Avoid using wool or down blankets, feather pillows, and foam rubber mattress pads.

Wash all bedding, pillow covers, once a week in hot water. You can use a pillow cover which has an allergen-proof casing to help reduce nighttime allergens. Don't have fish tanks or plants in the bedroom as these increase humidity and attract dust mites.

Now that we've allergy-proofed your home, let's look at a couple of very effective, easy-to-make natural remedies which help get you through your next round of allergy attacks.

Hayfever/Allergy Tea

* 2 parts Elderflowers
* 1 part Ephedra
* 1 part Eyebright
* 1 part Goldenseal

Mix all herbs together. use 1 teaspoon per cup of boiling water, let steep 10 minutes. Drink 1 cup up to 3 times a day.

Homemade Nasal Inhaler for Allergies

For those nasal allergy symptoms

You'll need:

* rock salt
* 2 d. Eucalyptus
* 2 d. Rosemary
* 1 d. Peppermint

Put a few pieces of rock salt into a glass vial, add the eos. The salt will absorb the oil. Use to inhale the vapors when you have a cold or sinus congestion

Hayfever/Allergy Oil Blend

Put 1 drop each of Chamomile and Lemon oils onto a tissue and inhale. Hay Fever usually affects people in different ways. Treatment is often a case of trial and error. Experiment with the oils. Add the following combination to baths:

* 2 drops Chamomile oil
* 2 drops Lemon oil
* 1 drop Lavender oil

Massage the neck, chest and back with the following:

* 2 drops Chamomile oil
* 1 drop Geranium oil
* 1 drop Lemon oil
* diluted into 1 teaspoon Base Oil

Natural Home Cures For Allergies - Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure & That Cure is Worth a Mint
Rubber Foam Pillows

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